HVAC Supplies Blog

Posted by Adem Erturk on

Power Outage 101: Everything You Need to Know about Power Outages

Power Outages Causes and Reasons

When power outages occur, it is an inconvenience. When there is an electrical failure that lasts longer than a few hours, especially during the winter months, this inconvenience can turn into a dangerous situation. To be without power can leave us vulnerable and make us feel disconnected from the world. It is important to be prepared for any form of power outages. 

What Is a Power Outage?

What Is a Power Outage

A power outage is a sudden interruption of electricity in a specific area. It prevents the power from the electricity grid to travel to the consumer. Power outages can last for a few minutes to a few weeks depending on the cause of the malfunction and the severity of the situation. They can also affect someone’s house, a building, a street, or an entire city. When it comes to blackouts there are no rules, therefore, preparedness is monumental. 

How Many Power Outages Happen Per Year In The US?

The amount of power outages in recent years is only increasing. It is increasing because the demand is higher, more devices, electronics, and appliances; the other reason for the increase is aging electricity lines. It is noteworthy that over 1.3 billion hours of darkness was experienced in the US in 2020.

What Areas Are Most Prone to Power Outages?

The US is a leader when it comes to power outages in the world. We have outdated electrical infrastructure, we have a lot of storms, hurricanes and we have a lot of consumers. The states most prone to power outages are Michigan, Ohio, New York, Texas, and California; among these, the city with the most blackouts per capita is New York City. California is notorious worldwide for its rolling blackouts. 

How Long Do Power Outages Last?

Most power outages will end after a minute or two, the power will come back on as suddenly as it left. The duration of power outages is also linked to the type of power outage it is and what caused it. More devastating power outages caused by severe weather can last for days and sometimes weeks. When the power is down because of storms or high winds, it could take longer to repair the power lines affected which can cause a delay in the restoration of electricity.

What Are The Different Types of Power Outages?

Different Types of Power Outages

There are many different types of power outages: blackouts, brownouts, permanent fault, and rolling blackouts. Each one of these has its own characteristics.


A blackout, just as the name suggests, is a full-on loss of electricity in an area. They are usually caused by destructive weather and tend to last the longest. For a blackout to happen, there must be severe damages to the electrical infrastructure itself, such as downed power lines or actual damage to the grid itself. 


Brownouts can occur in 2 different cases. A brownout can be either an intentional or unintentional reduction of voltage that can be distributed by a specific power grid. They are often used in cases of emergency or when the demand for power is too great at any given time. 

Permanent Fault 

Permanent faults are power outages that occur from time to time on a regular basis due to faulty equipment. They will keep happening in the same affected area until the faulty grid or power line is repaired.  

Rolling Blackouts

Rolling blackouts are not the same as the other types of blackouts. The other three above-mentioned types are brought on unexpectedly for a rolling blackout is a planned, man-made power outage to conserve electricity in high-density populated areas. 

What Causes Power Outages?

Power Outages Causes

Power outages are caused by a variety of issues, the top ones are people or the weather, or nature. 

Planned Maintenance

This happens when the electricity company needs to make repairs and for the safety of their employees, they must shut down the power temporarily. These kinds of power outages usually only last for about an hour or so.

Equipment Failure  

Most US electrical infrastructure was built in the 1950s and 1960s, even though updates are routinely made, failures occur. The grid and power lines are old and with time the equipment stops working. It is important to understand what causes power outages in your area.

Digging Accidents  

Most power lines are above ground but there are some that are buried below. The electricity company usually tries to mark the spot through which these power lines run underground but sometimes mistakes happen. Due to the growing demand for construction even in rural areas, power outages can occur often. 

Automobile Accidents  

The above-ground power lines often run along streets and highways. When there is a car accident or a pile-up, it can happen that a powerline will be hit and damaged. Consequently, this can cause a local power outage. 


Humans can’t control wild animals. Birds, squirrels, and even larger animals can damage a powerline. Squirrels and raccoons especially are notorious culprits but often this results in their demise. 


After every storm, we can see images of fallen trees that damage power lines. However, trees that grow too close to powerlines can also destroy the electricity lines, especially when a branch falls onto them. 


Ice is especially a threat to power lines. In the winter, freezing rain can attach itself to the electricity lines and add unnecessary weight to the lines until they just snap off. Ice storms are also a common occurrence and always damage power lines and cause power outages.


Thunderstorms, especially lightning, pose a real threat to our electrical infrastructure. Lightning can hit a power line and cause a surge; it can hit a power grid and cause a malfunction. Both direct and indirect hits by lightning can cause a power outage. 


Flooding is a real concern when it comes to electricity. Floodwaters can destroy power lines above and underground. The water washes away the poles, they break free and tumble into the water. This causes blackouts but it can also be a hazard for electrocution. Therefore, dealing with the aftermath of a flood is always dangerous and can slow the restoration of power. 

What Is The Leading Cause of Power Outages In The United States?

In the US, the leading causes of power outages are natural disasters and extreme weather. This would include everything from hurricanes, tornadoes, thunderstorms, flooding, wildfires, and earthquakes. All these natural disasters can damage power lines and our electrical infrastructure in a dramatic way. This makes restoration also more challenging. Because these causes are beyond our control, we can’t always prevent power outages from happening.

How To Prepare For Power Outages

Prepare For Power Outages

We rely on electricity today more than previous generations could have ever imagined so we need to be prepared. 

Power Outage Advanced Preparations  

Blackouts are unavoidable, make sure that you and your family don’t get caught in the dark, here are some tips that can help you prepare for an eventual power outage:

  • Create a family emergency plan, make sure to practice it once a year to make sure everyone in the family knows what needs to be done in case of a blackout. It is also important to stay safe and not take any unnecessary risks because it may be more difficult to get help in case of injuries.
  • Prepare a blackout kit – it should include flashlights, extra batteries, portable pre-charged electronics charger, candles, matches, can openers, utensils, and a fully stocked first aid kit.
  • Prepare blankets and warm clothes for everyone in the family. During blackouts, it is important to remain calm and warm.
  • Buy an emergency radio preferably one that is battery operated.
  • Stock up on clean drinking water or buy filters, anything that can help you purify drinking water.
  • Stock up on dry foods and non-perishable foods. You must be prepared to cook in an alternative way either by using an old-school barbecue or an eco-stove.
  • At night bring in solar lights that can be recharged during the daytime hours.
  • Buy a generator that can be used in cases of emergencies.

What To Do In A Power Outage?  

A power outage may cause a ripple effect and the longer it progresses the more dangerous it can be. For example, it can disrupt telecommunications, water filtering, and transportation. Stores may have to close; banks and ATMs will not be able to offer their services. Health and rescue services can also be disrupted in these types of emergencies. Being prepared really is the only option:

  • Turn off all lights and appliances that were left on just before the blackout occurred. This is especially important with heaters or stoves which could then become a fire hazard when the electricity is restored.
  • Keep freezers and refrigerators always closed so that food will stay cool for longer.
  • Unplug all appliances and electronics to avoid a power surge when the electricity comes back up, this is to prevent fires but also to avoid damaging the appliances.
  • Try to contact family and friends. If phone lines are down, then use social media to check-in.
  • Listen to regular news and weather updates to stay connected to instructions given by local officials.
  • Execute your blackout plan as practiced and make sure that everyone knows where everyone is and that everyone knows what their role is. This is to ensure no one gets lost or injured during a power outage.

There is no such thing as being too prepared. Power outages often occur during disasters when people are already under a lot of pressure. It is time to step up and make sure you are not trapped in darkness in a blackout. Find out the products from Blackhawk Supply that can help you stay protected.


Can power outages affect cell phones?

Because cell phones are battery-operated, they are not affected by power outages. It is advised that prior to the arrival of an anticipated storm that you keep your cell as charged as possible. There are also portable phone chargers that can be used as well during a blackout so it’s important to keep them charged and make sure they are easily accessible.

How to report a power outage?

Contact your Transmission and Distribution Service Provider (TDSP) to report a blackout. Your TDSP is also commonly known as your utility company. In the event of a crisis or an emergency please contact your local police or fire station.

How to check the status of a power outage?

To check the status of your power outage it is pivotal to have a charged and operational device that can get online. Once you are online you must search your local outage map using your address. You will see an Outage Information screen that will give you vital updates on the power outage, its status, and estimated restoration time.
Power Outage 101: Everything You Need to Know about Power Outages

When power outages occur, it is an inconvenience. When there is an electrical failure that lasts longer than a few hours, especially during the winter months, this inconvenience can turn into a dangerous situation. To be without power can leave us vulnerable and make us feel disconnected from the world. It is important to be prepared for any form of power outages.  What Is a Power Outage? A power outage is a sudden interruption of electricity in a specific area. It prevents the power from the electricity grid to travel to the consumer. Power outages can last for a few...

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Posted by Adem Erturk on

13 Tips to Keep Your House Warm This Winter

Tips to Keep Your House Warm This Winter

Winter is a magical time of the year, it’s a time for holidays, picturesque scenery, gatherings with friends and family; it is quite a fairy tale. There is nothing more wonderful than walking into your very own castle and getting enveloped by warm air as you peel off the layers of clothing you’re wearing.

In this blog, we'll tell you the best ways to keep your house warm in the winter. Read on!

Why Your House Won’t Stay Warm When It’s Cold

Why Your House Won’t Stay Warm When It’s Cold

It’s hard to get that perfect warmth to linger throughout the house no matter how much you heat. Let’s look at ways we can trap the heat in.

Heat Always Looks For A Way Out

There is a remarkable relationship between hot and cold where they are always chasing each other around. It is a scientific fact that temperature always seeks an equilibrium between hot and cold. Therefore, most modern houses are insulated to keep hot air in. This is also why when we turn the heater on, we close the windows so that hot air won’t escape. 

Hot Air Floats

It is another scientific fact that air expands when heated, and because there is more space, the further you go up, the hotter it is. This concept is used in hot air balloons to power these crafts. The warmer, less dense air will always float to the surface above the air below it. This can also be seen in your home; your upper floors will always be hotter than the basement.

Mediocre Insulation

As mentioned above, heat naturally flows from warmer areas to cooler ones, insulation prevents that airflow. It prevents the intended heat or cool air from escaping through ceilings and walls. This means that if the insulation is lacking, a home will never sustain a desired temperature throughout the house, for pockets of air will always find a way in and out.

How To Keep Your House Warm In Winter: 13 Tips

How to make a house warmer in winter? There are many steps you can take to keep you and your family warm this winter.

#1 Seal And Insulate Your Attic

Keep Your House Warm

Hot air will always float towards the attic and look for an escape path, therefore, attic insulation is a must. Air sealing prevents hot air from leaking into the attic, insulation without air sealing is useless for it won’t stop the airflow. 

#2 Invest In A Programmable Thermostat

Programmable thermostats are truly an investment for the future and one of the best ways to keep the house warm during winter. They allow you to program your settings, adjust your temperature according to house occupancy; in other words, saving you a lot of money in the long run. They are also convenient and user-friendly. This winter, your programmable thermostat will become your new best friend. 

#3 Invest In Blinds And Other Window Coverings

Blinds are not merely decorations that add an extra layer of coziness to your home or are used for privacy. They are a barrier, an extra layer of insulation keeping a house warm in the winter. Investing in good blinds will prevent the heat from escaping through the windows. 

#4 Add A Layer Of Film To Your Windows

Keep House Warm Windows Tips

Window film is an invisible protective layer that can be installed on every type of window. This will further insulate your house and keep the hot air from escaping during the winter months. Window film is not 100% fail-proof but added to a good set of blinds or curtains, and it will reduce the loss of heat in a big way. 

#5 Reduce The Use Of Fireplaces

It seems like a crazy suggestion, but a fireplace was never intended to be used as an actual heater, and therefore, it is the least efficient way to attempt to heat your home. In some cases, it can make your house colder, and it isn’t the friendliest solution for the environment either. In addition, fireplaces are also a fire hazard which makes it even more of an unappealing solution.

#6 Ceiling Fans

Ceiling fans are popular in the summer to cool our homes, but they can effectively help the heat in the winter to increase within the home. Simply find the switch on your fan that changes the direction of the blades from counterclockwise to clockwise and let it spin on the lowest setting. This can be a helpful tool that will cost you nothing.

#7 Don’t Obstruct Vents And Radiators

Keep House Warm Radiator Tips

This is a very avoidable mishap; it can be costly to have a certain chair or dresser preventing the vents or radiators from heating the rooms properly. Ensure that all radiators, vents, and registers are clear from any items of furniture or carpeting.  

#8 Keep Doors Closed

It is highly effective to keep the doors of each room closed to avoid giving the heat a way to escape. It is also recommended to purchase door snakes to prevent the heat from running out from the crack under the doors. It is also possible to create DIY door snakes. 

#9 Add Additional Doors

Everyone enjoys the wide open, but wide-open spaces at home can cost you more money in the winter. As we mentioned before, heat always looks to reunite with cold air, so it is highly recommended that, where possible, doors be added to ensure the heat stays inside each specific room. 

#10 Keep Your Furnace Filters Clean

Furnace Filters Clean for Winter

One of the best ways to keep a house warm in winter is to routinely change your furnace filter for the gunk that attaches to these filters can prevent them from being as effective as they could be. It can also be a good idea that if your furnace needs to be replaced, you consider a furnace with reusable filters that can be kept cleaner regularly.

#11 Lower Your Water Heater Temperature

This boils down to a question of conserving energy. This is a rule of thumb not just for the winter months but throughout the year. You can save a lot of money by taking more showers and fewer baths, therefore, reducing the need for excessive hot water. 

#12 Avoid Turning On/Off The Heat

When a heating system is turned off and then turned back on, the energy wasted to start it up again will cost you a pretty penny. It is recommended to avoid adjusting the thermostat frequently. When using a programmable or smart thermostat, make sure to adjust the settings so that temperature adjustments are subtle. 

#13 Thick Curtains

How to Keep Your House Warm in Winter

As previously mentioned, blinds and window coverings are not just there to decorate your home, and the same can be said for curtains, they are great tips to keep your house warm in winter. It is wise to invest in great-looking and thick curtains; use these curtains in the winter to prevent the heat from escaping through the windows. 


Your home is your castle, and you want to make sure it is welcoming to you, your friends, and your family all winter long. Find out more items that can help you turn your house into a cozy home. There is no better feeling than staying warm this winter and saving money.

Learn more Blackhawk Supply products here!

13 Tips to Keep Your House Warm This Winter

Winter is a magical time of the year, it’s a time for holidays, picturesque scenery, gatherings with friends and family; it is quite a fairy tale. There is nothing more wonderful than walking into your very own castle and getting enveloped by warm air as you peel off the layers of clothing you’re wearing. In this blog, we'll tell you the best ways to keep your house warm in the winter. Read on! Why Your House Won’t Stay Warm When It’s Cold It’s hard to get that perfect warmth to linger throughout the house no matter how much you heat....

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Posted by Adem Erturk on

5 Power Surge Causes: How to Protect Your Devices?

5 Power Surge Causes

Electricity has become our new way of life; we can’t really function or even perform daily routine tasks anymore without the help of electricity. It has become an essential commodity. However, as useful as it is when there is a surge in our home and our system crashes it can cause damage to our devices.

In this article, we’ll tell you about power surge meaning, what causes power surges in your home, how to protect your house from power surges, and more!

What Is a Power Surge?

A power surge (also known as transient voltage) means an unexpected increase in voltage. Power surges can be caused by many factors; when a power grid is being switched, thunderstorms, and when large home appliances flicker on and off.

How long does a power surge last? Power surges can last for hours, and they can also only last seconds. The length of time is irrelevant for the damage may be devastating regardless.

How Do Power Surges Happen?

How Do Power Surges Happen

Power surges occur when electrical power is above the allotted amount. There are many ways power surges can happen; when there is a sudden interruption of the electrical flow or when an increase of voltage is sent through the electrical system this could be related to internal or external issues or when power is interrupted and sent flowing back into the system.

Power surges ultimately lead to power outages and blackouts. There are many reasons why this could happen: a thunderstorm when lightning strikes power lines, electrical power overload when too many appliances are plugged in together, faulty wiring which is a problem in many homes especially the older ones. 

How Do Power Surges Cause Damage?

There is a misconception that electricity comes to our devices in the form of a steady stream when in fact the current comes to us in an alternating current. The alternating current makes the voltage rise and fall in a rhythmical way, however when the rhythm is offset by any factors a surge will be inevitable. This leads to a dramatic increase in voltage, and it is this uptick that can harm our appliances and devices.

So how does a power surge damage electronics? There is a misconception that electricity comes to our devices in the form of a steady stream when in fact the current comes to us in an alternating current. The alternating current makes the voltage rise and fall in a rhythmical way, however when the rhythm is offset by any factors a surge will be inevitable. This leads to a dramatic increase in voltage, and it is this uptick that can harm our appliances and devices.

Most appliances and electrical devices come equipped with an operating voltage. When a surge happens it can release heat and it is this heat that will damage electronic circuit boards and other electrical parts in the house. Most appliances and electrical devices come equipped with an operating voltage. When a surge happens it can release heat and it is this heat that will damage electronic circuit boards and other electrical parts in the house.

How Often Do Power Surges Occur?

How common are power surges? Unfortunately, power surges are not a rare occurrence. The level of a surge may vary. Smaller surges are frequent, and they can over time cause appliances and devices to stop working altogether. The standard voltage for America is 120V, a surge can happen if the voltage exceeds anywhere from 121V to 169V, once the voltage reaches 170V that is when the surge is especially harmful. 

What Causes Power Surges?

What Causes Power Surges

There are many reasons for power surges to occur, mainly bad wiring, lightning, blackouts, and electrical overload.

Electrical Overload

Electric overloads happen when too much current passes through the electricity wires. The heat then melts the wires and it can cause an electrical fire. Electrical overloads are caused by too many appliances plugged into the same plug or exaggerated use of extension cords; multiple plugs and adaptors can overburden an electrical circuit. 

Faulty Wiring

Faulty wiring can be detected in advance. If you see that a lot of your electrical outlets and switches are charred there is a high chance that your wiring is the culprit. In addition, if you encounter many instances of flickering lights, unexpected dimming of lights, fuses and randomly blowing out then you may have a severe issue with defective wiring. 

Lightning Strikes

Can lightning cause a power surge? Lightning bolts are pure energy, and they are fuelled by electricity, when lightning strikes near a powerline, it is guaranteed to cause an electrical surge. Lightning bolts can boost electrical pressure on a grid by millions of volts, this makes protecting our devices and grid from lightning a Herculean effort. 

Power Outage or Blackout

A power outage will cause a blackout, when this happens, all unsaved data on electronic devices will be lost. This is a tragedy but not the most harmful aspect of a power outage. The real damage can occur when the power is turned on and like a tsunami of electrical energy all appliances and devices come roaring back to life. That is when an overload will happen, and this can harm all appliances left turned on. 

Power Grid Switching

When an electric utility company experiences an issue at their home base such as technical failure at the power stations, damage to electric power lines, human error that is when a power surge can also happen. This can cause problems with the short circuit, fuse or breakers, and other electrical issues that can be devastating to our appliances and plugged-in electronics.

What Are The Signs of a Power Surge?

What Are The Signs of a Power Surge

It is essential to monitor our electricity and our appliances at home to avoid endangering ourselves or harming other household appliances. There are many signs that can indicate that a power surge occurred:

  • The plugged-in device, lights, and clocks are flashing throughout the house.
  • An appliance is off and can’t be turned back on again.
  • There is a lingering, unpleasant smell of smoke or burnt cables in the air.

What to Do After a Power Surge?

Power surges are inevitable, and we must learn to live through them, they are inconvenient but not often dangerous. Of course, certain steps need to be followed once the power comes back up to minimize the damage to our appliances and devices:

  • Unplug and rest your devices.
  • Repower all electronic devices if needed.
  • Turn on all appliances that haven’t been turned on by themselves.
  • Inspect electric outlets, breaker boxes, and appliances.
  • Check your HVAC system to ensure that the cooling and heating system is intact.

How to Protect Your Appliances From Power Surges

How to Protect Your Appliances From Power Surges

How to protect your home from power surges? Knowledge is power. Firstly, understand what causes your electrical surges and then invest in protection from power surges in your home.

Unplug Devices You Aren't Using

It is highly recommended that all devices and appliances that are not in use should be unplugged. This not only safeguards your appliances from harm, but it can also prevent fire hazards. In addition, doing this also can save you money by conserving energy. 

Upgrade Inadequate Wiring

Over time, wires can oxidize, and then in turn the cables could create heat. If wiring is not changed or upgraded, this faulty wiring can become a fire hazard. As is, overloaded wires get hot but if the cables are faulty the damages can be devastating to you and your appliances. 

Fix Overloaded Circuits

One of the great ways to prevent a circuit overload is to invest in several circuits; this may not always be a feasible option. Then there are LEDs which are becoming more and more popular and are a good idea. You must also calculate the load your circuit can withstand.

Surge Protectors

A surge protector is an invaluable tool to safeguard your appliances and prevent fires. As the name indicates they absorb the increase in power, so it minimizes or prevents your appliances or devices from receiving the surge and getting damaged in the process.

How to Choose a Right Surge Protector

Surge protectors come in many different forms and sizes, but their application is always the same. Surge protectors offer you, your appliances, your devices, and your home an extra layer of protection between the outside world and your circuit breaker. Let’s look at the different types of surge protectors:

  • A whole-house surge protector: It works like a pressure valve relieving excess electrical energy from causing voltage spikes. It will be installed in the main power panel box of your home.
  • Surge suppressors and power strips: This is a common one on the market. It allows you to plug in more appliances and or devices using the same plug while withstanding significant power surges. Take a look at our selection of products and find the best power strip surge protector!
  • Outlet adaptor surge protector: This is a surge protector that can be plugged directly into the wall outlet.


They say that lightning does not strike the same place twice. I think it is wise to not test mother nature because we know that unexpected things will always happen. It is important to get informed and always be prepared to protect our home and our family. Find a product list that can help you get more perspective on the varying products from Schneider Electric, Square-D and other manufacturers available to you on blackhawksupply.com!

5 Power Surge Causes: How to Protect Your Devices?

Electricity has become our new way of life; we can’t really function or even perform daily routine tasks anymore without the help of electricity. It has become an essential commodity. However, as useful as it is when there is a surge in our home and our system crashes it can cause damage to our devices. In this article, we’ll tell you about power surge meaning, what causes power surges in your home, how to protect your house from power surges, and more! What Is a Power Surge? A power surge (also known as transient voltage) means an unexpected increase in...

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Posted by Adem Erturk on

Top 7 Fall Energy Saving Tips

Fall Energy Saving Tips

Fall is a unique and colorful time of the year, when nature takes out her paintbrush and paints everything in beautiful browns, reds, and yellows. This is also the time of year when the weather gets cooler, and everyone starts preparing for winter. The furnaces roar back to life and the smell of winter approaching lingers in the air.

Here are some fall energy savings tips that help you learn how to stay warm in the fall!

Best Tips For Fall Home Maintenance

It is important to be ready for fall so that winter doesn’t sneak up on you. Here are some fall maintenance tips for your home.

Clean Your Chimney and Vents

Clean Your Chimney and Vents

  • Make sure to clean all vents.
  • Get a chimney sweeper to clean your chimney to avoid blockages and soot build-up as they can become fire hazards.
  • Ensure that your chimney is up to code and that it meets all the safety requirements.
  • Make sure to remove any debris such as: leaves, bird nests and other from in and around the chimney.
  • Make sure you fix any chimney wear and tear before the winter otherwise it may be a risk to use it.
  • It can save you money to routinely clean your chimney every fall to get it ready for the winter.
  • By keeping your chimney clean you will be able to efficiently heat your home.

Clean The Furnace

  • By keeping your furnace clean, you will avoid unnecessary repairs, and it will last longer. If well maintained, this will also improve the furnace’s efficiency during the winter months.
  • Make sure your furnace has not accumulated a dust build-up, for this can lead to carbon monoxide poisoning or become a fire hazard.
  • A clean furnace will allow you to breathe clean air, this is especially important for the elderly, people with asthma, and people with allergies; clean air is something we all want for our friends and families.

Check Insulation And Sealing Throughout The House

Check Insulation For Fall Preparation

  • Make sure that pipes in cold areas are sufficiently insulated to avoid damages from frozen pipes.
  • Insulating your attic is a priority because heat rises. To keep your house warm, your attic must be fully insulated.
  • Make sure garages are also fully insulated because they are vulnerable to the cold.
  • Ensure that all exterior walls are properly insulated and that the existing insulation is not old or defective.
  • It is especially important to make sure that the floors and ceilings are also adequately insulted for the winter.
  • It is also paramount to insulate all ducts, vents, air-conditioning vents, and chimneys to make sure that heat doesn’t escape through there.
  • It is also valuable to make sure that all air leakage points are properly sealed throughout the house.

Take Stock Of Upgrades Around The House

  • Make sure to upgrade all heating equipment such as thermostats, boilers, tanks, furnaces.
  • Check that the house is devoid of any air leakage and that it is fully insulated, if not, it is recommended to make these upgrades.
  • It is highly recommended to invest in new double or triple glazed windows, this is an upgrade that, over time, will save you a lot of money and keep you warm this winter.
  • Also, consider upgrading appliances and getting smart appliances that will be more efficient and cost-effective.

Conserve Your Hot Water

Hot Water Preparation for Fall

  • Firstly, insulate your tank and pipes.
  • Lower the water temperature, so it ranges between 120 and 140 degrees.
  • Repair all leaky faucets.
  • Make sure that your appliances are not too old. Older devices may use up more energy and, therefore, use more hot water than necessary.
  • Install a timer on your tank so that it can be shut off at night or when not in use.
  • Try to take more showers rather than baths, it is also recommended to reduce the amount of hot water in use by washing the dishes in lukewarm water.

    Make Sure Your House Is Warm

    • Curtains play an important role when it comes to keeping a house warm. Open the curtains during sunny days and draw the curtains at night or on cloudy days.
    • Make sure to check that no furniture is obstructing any of the vents.
    • Use ceiling fans tuning on low and in a clockwise direction to keep the heat inside your home.
    • What temperature should I set the thermostat during fall to save energy? Avoid changing the temperature on the thermostat and consider investing in a smart thermostat that will allow you to adjust the temperature by programming the settings according to your personal needs.

      Fall HVAC Maintenance Tips

      Fall HVAC Maintenance Tips

      • If your HVAC system is old, one of the fall HVAC tips is to replace it with a newer model before the arrival of winter, especially if it frequently requires repairs.
      • Make sure that your HVAC system functions correctly, for example, if it emits strange noises or perhaps there is a constant rattling sound, then that could mean that you may need a new one before the winter season.
      • Make sure that your HVAC systems heat all rooms equally, if you start to notice that you are no longer comfortable and some rooms are hotter and some are colder, perhaps it is time for an upgrade.
      • Check that your air quality is good, a defective or faulty HVAC system can generate a slew of health-related issues.


      As you sit on your porch and enjoy the hues provided by nature with a hot cup of tea in your hands, make sure that you take the time to reflect on the fall home improvement preparations that need to be done so that when winter comes knocking, you won’t be caught off guard. Learn more information about Blackhawk Supply HVAC supplies to make sure that you and your family enjoy cozy autumn and warm winter. 

      Top 7 Fall Energy Saving Tips

      Fall is a unique and colorful time of the year, when nature takes out her paintbrush and paints everything in beautiful browns, reds, and yellows. This is also the time of year when the weather gets cooler, and everyone starts preparing for winter. The furnaces roar back to life and the smell of winter approaching lingers in the air. Here are some fall energy savings tips that help you learn how to stay warm in the fall! Best Tips For Fall Home Maintenance It is important to be ready for fall so that winter doesn’t sneak up on you. Here...

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      Posted by Adem Erturk on

      How to Do DIY Home Energy Audit

      How to Do DIY Home Energy Audit

      Do-it-yourself free home energy audits will help you monitor and determine how much energy your home uses. It can assist you in reducing the amount of energy wasted and therefore allows you to save a great deal of money. Your home will be comfortable yet efficient. It is not only a question of money, but the fact that it is environmentally friendly and cost-effective also makes this worthwhile.

      What Is a Home Energy Audit?

      What Is a Home Energy Audit

      Home energy audit sounds like a complex accounting term, but in fact, it is a series of simple tests that can be performed on a regular basis to boost your home’s efficiency while saving you energy costs. A home audit will determine whether your home has any air leaks, test your insolation levels and overall energy efficiency. It will pinpoint precise areas of your home that need improvement to ensure you are getting the most for your money while paying less. There is a simple checklist to follow, and when a problem is discovered, it can be addressed accordingly. Many people think that an audit will be ineffective because their home has been built recently or is a new construction project, but this is simply not the case. 

      How to Do a DIY Home Energy Audit

      When starting your DIY home energy audit, you must thoroughly walk through your home and inspect every area. It is advised to keep a checklist on hand to keep track of all the areas you have checked and what problems you have encountered.

      1. Check Heating and Cooling Systems

      Do a DIY Home Energy Audit

      • Make sure to check all the batteries or functionalities of all the appliances.
      • Test all the equipment, if, for example, your thermostat or AC unit takes a long time to start up, perhaps they could be malfunctioning and therefore draining your home’s energy.
      • Check for accumulated condensation levels, make sure your duct vents are clean and dry.
      • Clean and replace the filters regularly.
      • Make sure to keep track of your hot water usage and make an adjustment to waste less.
      • Check the windows and doors; if there is a minuscule gap, foreign air could go in and cost unnecessarily.
      • Make sure your HVAC system is leveled.
      • For outdoor equipment, it is important to make sure there is no debris blocking your HVAC unit.
      • Make sure the fins or grill of your outdoor unit are clean, if clogged your system could malfunction, and it will cost you more money.
      • Make sure that the grill of your outdoor unit is not bent, this could slow down the airflow and waste a lot of energy.
      • Check your evaporator coil. It is in the access panel on the air handler unit. If there is dirt or mildew, it must be addressed immediately. A special spray cleaner should be used to clean the coils.

      2. Inspect Insulation and Sealing

      DIY Home Energy Audit

      • Examine the insulation level in the attic. Prior to doing so, it is advised to take safety precautions as not to injure yourself. It is recommended to wear a hard hat, safety goggles, a measuring tape, and a flashlight. At first glance, you must determine if the insulation in the attic is leveled. If it is not, insulation must be added to ensure an even spread over the attic floor. However, if the floor does not have exposed spaces, you probably have enough insulation, and adding additional insulation will be a waste of money.
      • Check your home for any air leaks. This is pivotal, unwanted air coming and going through cracks and gaps is not cost-effective. Many DIY methods have been popularized, here we will only outline a few simple ones. At night with a partner, shine a flashlight over all areas that could have cracks, and if the light can be seen from the outside, you have found an air leak. Another method that requires little effort is to shut a window or door over a piece of paper and then pull the said paper out. If you can pull it out without tearing the paper, then you have found an air leak.
      • Check your wall insulation level. There are a couple of methods to check your wall insulation. The first one is drilling a hole and examining the type and amount of insulation. The other method is shutting down the home’s electricity, and once the power is out, check the insulation levels behind and around each electrical socket. A thorough inspection must be made of all sockets because some homes may have an uneven level of insulation.

      3. Account for Electricity Waste

      DIY Home Energy Audit Checklist

      • Conserve your energy and use more natural lighting. This will decrease the need for electric lighting.
      • Turn off lights in rooms that are not occupied. This goes without saying, if no one is in that room, there is no need for lights to be turned on.
      • Fix leaky faucets. This is important, we may not think of how much this can impact our energy consumption, but it affects it a lot.
      • Take shorter showers, and don’t let the water run while brushing your teeth or shaving.
      • Unplug electronics that aren’t being used. This is especially relevant for appliances that are not in use frequently.
      • Don’t keep outdated appliances and electronics. Newer appliances and electronics come equipped with energy-saving capabilities therefore, this can save you a lot of money, investing in a new appliance will be beneficial in the long run.
      • Hang your laundry to dry when possible, especially in the summer. This is such an organic and old-fashioned way to dry your laundry, but you will notice a difference in your electricity bill almost instantaneously.
      • Don’t run a dishwasher or laundry machine when not full.
      • Cover windows with blinds or curtains to keep cold or hot air out.
      • When you’re not home, don’t waste energy by cooling or heating your house when it is unoccupied. Use a smart thermostat to conserve energy.

      Important Safety Information

      While performing an energy audit of your home, it is paramount to keep in mind your personal safety. Certain tools will help you perform the audit safely, and shortcuts should not be used to harm you or your loved ones. Some crawl spaces or vents can contain animal droppings or an accumulation of dust, so the appropriate clothing must be worn. When working with fiberglass, make sure you protect your eyes, lungs, and skin from any irritants that can endanger you. Before checking your home’s insulation levels, make sure to cut off the power at the breaker and not get electrocuted upon unscrewing electrical sockets. 

      What Your DIY Energy Audit Can’t See

      DIY Energy Audit

      Many local utility companies can guide you and perhaps assist you with in-home energy audits free of charge. It is recommended first to perform a DIY-energy audit and record all the findings and updates made. However, calling in a professional to check your work can help you tackle some more complex and dangerous tasks. They have the tools, the training, and the expertise to help you achieve your desired result. Older homes may require more work than the newer built constructions, so it is important to consult with a professional before making any big changes. Some jobs will require a skilled electrician or energy expert to come in and offer the best solutions. 

      Things You’ll Need to Achieve Peak Energy Efficiency

      Things You’ll Need to Achieve Peak Energy Efficiency

      • LED lightbulbs;
      • Dimmers and/or timers for lights;
      • Low flow showerheads;
      • Smart thermostat;
      • HVAC filters;
      • Blinds and/or curtains;
      • Window insulation kit;
      • Smart power strips;
      • Reflective surfaces on roofs;
      • Energy star certified appliances;
      • Smart fans (especially ceiling fans);
      • Attic insulation;
      • Energy star certified windows and doors.

      DIY Energy Audit Checklist

      DIY Energy Audit Check

      To successfully optimize your DIY home audit, it is important to have a concise plan of action. Please find below a checklist that can aid you in achieving your desired result.

      LED lightbulbs This is an easy and cost-effective first step
      Smart thermostat This will ensure that you don’t waste unnecessary energy while cooling or heating your home
      Low flow faucets Low flow faucets and showerheads can help you conserve a lot of energy
      Window insulation kit This will help you identify all air leaks, which will help you reduce your energy consumption
      Smart power strips This will allow you to control your appliances remotely to reduce energy waste
      HVAC filters All vents should be cleaned, and filters should be changed regularly to prevent any malfunctions
      Energy star certified appliances Replace outdated appliances with modern ones which are created to be more energy-efficient
      Dimmers and timers for lights  This is a great investment when coupled with LED lightbulbs


      Today’s world has changed a great deal. Thanks to technological progress, we can live in a more comfortable way for a lot less. Home energy audits are a fantastic tool coupled with smart devices from Blackhawk Supply, that can help you turn your house into a dream home!

      How to Do DIY Home Energy Audit

      Do-it-yourself free home energy audits will help you monitor and determine how much energy your home uses. It can assist you in reducing the amount of energy wasted and therefore allows you to save a great deal of money. Your home will be comfortable yet efficient. It is not only a question of money, but the fact that it is environmentally friendly and cost-effective also makes this worthwhile. What Is a Home Energy Audit? Home energy audit sounds like a complex accounting term, but in fact, it is a series of simple tests that can be performed on a regular...

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